Anyway, I have officially signed the paper work to go with option #2; I figured I will still be able to do private lessons this month, go to Hiroshima with Momo, and get free money. So, it seemed like the only logical choice. Plus, at the meeting, they informed us that if option #1 was chosen and a person remained at home on a day which they were supposed to work, they would receive only %60 of their salary. So, until it was all said and done, a person might end up making less money to be on call and actually have to worry about working. At least that is what I told myself. Anyway, I am working about 10 hours a week at the moment, enough to even out the loss for not working. The big hit to the bank is going to come this Friday when Joel and I have to make our first payment on the new apartment. It is going to end up costing around 72,500 yen, a nice chunk of change. Then, shortly thereafter comes Hiroshima. So, I am sure after the New Year, I will be right back to where I started in terms of savings - $0. So, I will continue to do private lessons even after I start my job with Nova on the 10th of January.
One a side note, I guess December is a very busy month so a few of my privates have actually canceled for the whole month. Last week and I had around 17 private lessons and this week 10 or 11. So, I am sure that will make a difference as well. Either way, making 2,000 yen an hour is nothing to complain about and I am happy to have as many privates as I do.
My grandma asked about my health. I am doing great. I got over my cold a little bit ago and I have decided to change my lifestyle habits. Since giving up on the smoking and having a little extra cash in hand I have set the following guidelines: fried foods only once a week, more fruits and vegetables, and no eating after 7 pm. I am trying to get myself healthy again since I am no longer playing sports and went on a run today with Joel. I will keep you posted on how that goes...
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