Trick or Treat - A Little Halloween Fun
This year, Avalon was a little more Halloween friendly. We did an event last year, but this year, the teachers were allowed to dress up and we really encouraged the students to dress up as well. The youngest students, those in Little Avalon, were actually allowed to go around from class to class and trick or treat. We ended up teaching a packet about Halloween and giving out lots of candy. It was a great day and I had a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
(An ultimate Frisbee player, a witch, a hiker in black, a basketball player in the back and a red devil)
(Hiker, Red Devil, I' don't quite know what Anna was, and Katrina the Witch)
(And the photos begin. This is Christina in her pumpkin costume.)
(I am Iron Man!)
('Trick or Treat')
(Andy the executioner. I love his teeth. He really got into his role.)
(Rex the magician)
(As you can see, there were a lot of witches. This is as the students were going from class to class, knocking on the teachers' doors and saying, 'Trick or Treat.'
(Pippen as a preppy scream serial killer)
(A few more trick or treaters and another pumpkin outfit)
(Anny and Julia - two witches in my JA class. The upper level students got extra candy and stamps if they dressed up. Stamps are important because they can use them to get out of detention.)
(Cathy and See Yu as witches, Irene as some sort of magical creature, Brian with a witches hat on and Mikey wearing the scream mask.)
(This was my GA class - second highest level at Avalon and mostly 6th graders. I was pleasantly surprised when all the students had some type of costume on or at least a mask or hat.)
(Most creative costume - Eric. Can you guess who or what he is? That's right, he came as summer.)
(You can tell Amy is thrilled to have her scream mask on and Jenny is a witch.)
(Heidi, a great student, went all out wearing a hanbok, which is a Korean traditional dress, a witches hat, and carried a scythe - the Korean Grim Reaper Witch.)
(A definite favorite, Harry had on his Dalmatian suit with tale in hand)
(Harry the Dalmatian and Kevin the pirate)
(I just love this picture, the look on Sebastian's face as Peter tries to do some work...)
(And the best costume goes to... Lyle Lyle the Crocodile. Not my student but an amazing costume!)
(Another shot of the croc costume)
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