
Spring Time

A little while ago I did some spring time shots of the local park, about a 5 minute walk away and around Suwon Fortress, around a 10 minute bus ride away.  Also, good news, I figured out the photo problem.  My camera automatically flips the pictures, but my computer doesn't recognize, but Blogger does.  So, when I flip the picture on my computer, it is actually an extra flip on Blogger.  I'm not a computer genius, but I have no idea how that works.  Anyway, here are some Spring Time photos.  Enjoy.

(The Cherry Blossoms are out...)

 (... in full bloom)

(The bad thing is they only lasted about a week.  So, these amazing views were over before I knew it.)

 (Pow - close up shot)

 (Protectors of the park.  Not sure what they are made of, they almost seem organic...)

(Perhaps if I knew Korean, I could read the sign and know if these are specific people)

 (Suwon Fortress.  Katrina and I walked around an area we had never been - kind of nice...)

(My favorite shot of the day.  It was actually difficult to find the cherry blossoms at the fortress.)

(From what I just read, the largest gate in South Korea...)

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