
Me and Computers

So, my laptop recentely decided to take its own life. I am sure I played some role in its ultimate destruction, nevertheless, it needs to be brought back to life, which is a power I do not have. Luckily, one of my co-workers is a computer programmer so he is going to take a look at it on Monday. My fingers are crossed but I don't think there is anything he will be able to do.

The following story takes place between 1:30 pm and 3:45 pm:

Today, I get in to work, computer decides to blue screen, not once but twice. So, I tell Eric, the engineer of Avalon (man does it all) and ask him to fix it. He grabs my tower and removes the tower. Now, the tower still has documents on it that I need for next semester. He puts in a replacement tower, starts it and walks away. For starters, this tower probably hasn't been started in at least a month so there are all kinds of messages popping up. The messages, they are in Korean which doesn't do me a bit of good. I sit down, push some buttons not knowing what they mean, it doesn't work. It freezes. I go get Eric again, he takes a look. Goes down on the ground and removes this tower. He brings back a third tower. The last one finally worked, no problems, and I asked him to set it up since all the messages were in Korean, which he did. We over to the computer lab, use his USB, download the files that I need, and put them on my computer. Finally, after over two hours, I now have one working computer.

So, at the moment, me and computers don't really see eye to eye.

Since my laptop is broken, all updates will come from work or Katrina's computer so I am not sure how frequently I will be able to update. In my life, intensives are over which is good and bad. It is one less hour of work but we are now back to getting off at 10 pm instead of 9 pm, so that's a bit of a bummer.

I'm not quite over my cold.

Katrina has another cold, her fourth in three months.

I got a microwave and a carpet from a guy who is moving out for 30,000 won.

Things at work are extremely busy with the new semester coming up soon. I have lesson plans to create, questions to make for homework for the kids, essay questions to create, and essays on top of all that. Keep in mind, I have all this to do and my computer decides to crash. Oh well, I'll get it done, I always do. That's about it for now.

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