Below you will find pictures from Japan. There is not a lot of detail for each section, only pictures, due to the amount of time it took me to create these post. Every day we went to a different city for the most part. Thursday was Kyoto with the whole Aochi family, Friday was Nara with Hiroko's mom, and Saturday was Osaka with Katrina and I later joined by her father. If you have any specific questions about any one day or picture, please ask. I hope the pictures suffice and will get back in to more detail now that I am done with this vacation blog.
We saw a lot of things in a short amount of time. It was a wonderful vacation and I had a blast. I love the Aochi family and their hospitality. Hopefully, in the near future, I will see Hiroko and her family in South Korea. Or, go back to Japan since I am so close. They are a wonderful family and I am truly thankful to have gotten to know them. The following 4 posts are a rough picture outline of the five days, three full days spent on vacation on Japan.
We saw a lot of things in a short amount of time. It was a wonderful vacation and I had a blast. I love the Aochi family and their hospitality. Hopefully, in the near future, I will see Hiroko and her family in South Korea. Or, go back to Japan since I am so close. They are a wonderful family and I am truly thankful to have gotten to know them. The following 4 posts are a rough picture outline of the five days, three full days spent on vacation on Japan.
(As Hiroko's Dad called it, around Sushi. As a way to say thanks for everything they did for me last time, I took the family out to sushi. We had a great time and this is what happens when you want a special order. On the bottom track you can see the different kinds of sushi moving around. Whenever you see one you like, you grab it off and eat it. Enough said. Then, everyone says hello quickly.)
I’m just seeing this post for the first time. Thank you so much for mentioning me. What a great feeling. Thanks again!
you guys are smiling ear to ear (exept on that last pic), but you must have had a really good time..^^
and by the way Hiroko is such a nice name :)
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