
Louisville Cemetery and a bit of Bardstown

Yeah, things got really busy there really fast.  There's a lot happening at the moment but I finally found some time to put up another blog post.  

Our third day in Louisville was a bit more low key considering we had a late night the previous evening.  We awoke to breakfast prepared by our hosts - pancakes, the fancy kind, sausage, also the fancy kind, fruits, orange juice, and coffee for Rebecca.  It was delicious and again we weren't quite sure what we were going to do.  There was talk of possibly going to the cemetery as a few people had recommend the historical significance of the sight.  

So, we decided to check it out.  Unfortunately, I was a bit unprepared as we stopped by the Colonel's gravesite.  Had I had the foresight, I would have taken a leg or thigh and rest it upon his tombstone.  Next time... next time.  There were also some other very unique and interesting tombstones as well as an old Civil War plot.  If you are a history geek such as myself I'd recommend swinging by for an hour or two.  Plus, you drive most of it.  

After that we made our way to Bardstown road.  We'd been hearing a lot of great things about Bardstown from several people and finally got a chance to check it out, albeit briefly.  We stopped in a coffee shop, Quill or Quills, (remember, Rebecca likes her coffee) and ended up playing a quick game of Monopoly Scrabble.  The only Monopoly part of it was the pieces.  I was the battleship, she, if I remember correctly, the boot.  We had fun and she kicked my Scrabble ass.  We then walked around for a bit, took some fun photos, and found ourselves in a pizza joint.  We spotted pizza in the window at Wick's Pizza as we began our walk and decided to see what other options were available.  However, I think we had both set our minds on pizza.  Sadly, as is often the case, it looked much more appealing than it actually was, for both of us.  I wonder if it's just one of those childhood connections?  Oh well, here are some photos...

(First interesting tombstone we came across...)

(The man who built an empire from fried chicken - Col. Harland Sanders)

(A close up)

(Can't quite remember who this man was but I did like the interactive nature of his burial plot)

(Although his hand was a bit too high to shake - someone messed up on that one; however, he's dead so I doubt he really minds...)

(2 sisters - They had lots of money for some reason or another - go figure)

(This one was sad - just a little one by a tree)

(Loved the concept - family tree. logs and all)

(Sheep - another child site)

(The Louisville Order of the Elks)

(Since Rebecca loves puns so much I found it quite fitting that my tiles somehow were able to form this word combination.  And no, I did not pick these tiles out, the universe gave them to me...)

(Battleship is in place waiting to fire away...)

(A hanging plant as we began our walk)

(Passed a bike shop on our way to nowhere)

(Entrance to the bike shop and they even had these kinds of bikes in stock - SWEET)

(Gotta love a place that has 'Burritos as Big as Your Head!')

(Sherwin Williams, far and away, has the most eco-friendly slogan I've seen in a while)

(Fun little door we passed just off the main street.  Thinking about it now, we should have tried to go through it but we didn't...)
(Detail at the top of the door)

 (Wick's Pizza Parlor)

(Entrance to the cemetery as we passed at night on our way back home)

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