
Another Year...

Yep, a year has come to an end.  What's that mean?  Nothing, for a number is just a number, nothing more and nothing less.  An arbitrary value used to measure, define time and age, count any number of things, as well as lots of other tasks.  This past year was not a great year until the last few months.  During which time I learned a tremendous amount about myself.  Here are a few of the lessons I've learned in 2013:

I always thought in my previous relationship I was a taker and she was a giver.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I've always been a giver and will continue to be one.  Somehow, things got twisted in my mind.  Now, they have been untwisted and I have once again realized something once forgotten.

I don't have to settle.  There was always a fear that I'd have to settle with my future partner.  This fear has been eradicated (I've met someone special, a woman, and even if it doesn't work out, I'll at least have learned this lesson.  She's amazing and you know coming from me, that means she's amazing).

I'm an attractive human being.  For the past 6 or so years this was hardly ever mentioned to me.  However, in the past few months I've had more than once person tell me I'm rather handsome and have a nice body.  Thank you.

Life's too short.

A lot of you may find this one hard to believe but even I need to let go.  There are quite a few things I need to let go of and I'm working on these things each and every day.

It's important to follow your dreams and live your life.  You may ask how you'll know.  Trust me, you already know.  If you aren't excited to wake up each and every day you need to start making some different choices.  Life is all about choices.

Life's too short.

I'm not ready for a family yet.  Although I do think I could be in the future.  Not sure, but this is more thought than I've ever given it in the past.

I'm not ready to 'settle down.'  I'll probably never be ready to do such a thing.  Settling is for suckers.  I may find one part of the world can hold me a little longer than others, but settling, what a terrible term.

I enjoy teaching and working with children whether it's teaching English or learning how to improve a stride.  I enjoy sharing the knowledge I've learned with others.

True love exists.

Some things are just not meant to be.  It's nobody's fault.

I'm excited to be alive and have told myself recently, 'I love my life.'  This hasn't happened in quite some time but I'm thrilled my life is back at this point again.

Watch out 2014, JC's coming...

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